Santa, I understand you authored this site. It becomes apparent that you either had direction to make this site as confusing as possible OR you get kick backs on all the errant clicks.
No need to reply. It’s not worth sacrificing the electrons.
I use this program on my computer at school. I was hoping to download it on my computer at home so that I could double my productivity. I downloaded the trial, but it won't load up on my computer. The error message says that Windows cannot access this file because I don't have the appropriate permission to access it. Can you explain the next step I need to take.
I really like being able to make different versions of the same test. Very helpful for creating tests for students with IEP that have reduced choices as an exceptionality on their 504 plan
No need to reply. It’s not worth sacrificing the electrons.
You need to take your web designer out to the woodshed.